Confessions of an Eggplant

eggplant (n) - 1. a tough-skinned vegetable with a soft inside; sweated with salt to remove bitterness and combined with sauce and cheese and other complementary ingredients, it is rendered into a tasty and hearty dish. 2. a metaphor for life.


Companion Blogs

Some of you have visited and commented on my installment fiction blog, Maddie's Dress. Thank you. Maddie is a composite of several influential people in my life, and I've been contemplating her circumstances for some time. The first four chapters were written over the past several years, while chapter five is new material. I know generally where I'm going with her, and I hope I'm timely enough with the material that you don't lose interest.

Last night I created a short fiction blog, Ficcion de la Berenjena. If the free online translation programs didn't let me down, that means roughly "Fiction from the Eggplant." I'll occasionally throw a short fiction item out there that I've tinkered with. My only outlet before blogging was to hand these things to Zelda, but she is hardly an impartial audience. My stuff either makes her laugh or cry, but I have that effect on her in normal, everyday life, so that is a poor gauge of literary merit. Let my anonymity free you for candid appraisals. If you think something I post is crap, tell me. Just tell me why. Too sappy? Improbable? Predictable? Preachy? I can take it, I think.

Your time is precious, and that you spend some of it reading my babblings is a priceless reward. Bless you all.

1 Piquant Remarks:

  • At 11:11 PM, Blogger ~Jan said…

    Hiya, Atticus--I'll read your stuff tomorrow; I stumbled across the new site during my insomniac wanderings, and I want to do them justice. But I'm awake enough, I think, to suggest that you might want to check out the FaithWriters website. There are places there where you can post stories specifically for critique, and also a Weekly Challenge to exercise your creative muscles. Costs nothing to join, and some good folk there. You can even be anonymous, should you wish. I joined half a year or so ago, and I'm really glad I did. And no, I'm not "affiliated" with them in any way that would confer a benefit on me should you decide to join. Won't upset me a bit if you don't see it and you as a match. I'm just sayin'.


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