Confessions of an Eggplant

eggplant (n) - 1. a tough-skinned vegetable with a soft inside; sweated with salt to remove bitterness and combined with sauce and cheese and other complementary ingredients, it is rendered into a tasty and hearty dish. 2. a metaphor for life.


Seven Day Forecast

We are officially in our Birmingham winter weather pattern where the meteorologists forecast the possibility of snow in 5 - 7 days, which causes everyone to storm the grocery stores for milk and bread and to cancel school and concerts and church services in anticipation of travel problems, and when it doesn't snow 5 - 7 days later because all the ingredients didn't come together (which is weatherspeak for it either wasn't cold enough or the moisture didn't arrive in time or the moisture arrived too soon and evaporated in the dry air or the snowpack up north was sparse so the air wasn't as cold as we thought), everyone gets hacked because it was supposed to snow but didn't and they get mad at the incompetent mets, and before you know it, April arrives and we dodge tornadoes until July when the temperature stays at 95 degrees until October when the hurricanes hit and cause massive floods that last until November when the secondary tornado season blows all the warm air away in time for the possibility of snow in 5 - 7 days.

Or, as Calvin Coolidge said, "Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it."

1 Piquant Remarks:

  • At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As a former resident of Birmingham (Hoover in Shelby County), I completely understand the meteorological insanity of Alabama weather. However, if Alabama weather is insane, Ohio weather is bipolar. It snows in April and rains in January or there's a blizzard in January and a drought in June.


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